
Boo boos and Construction Men

We have been regretting teaching Cobin the word "Boo boo" for two reasons: 1) It's still pretty hard to distinguish between poo poo and boo boo, and that's pretty important to know. and 2) we taught him that boo boos are all better if you kiss them. Now every little scratch or bump has to have a kiss! (he's stopped trying to get us to kiss his tongue or foot when he gets boo boos there, we've refused too many times.) From now on we'll try owie and save the kisses for the bad stuff, maybe just tell them it's too far from their heart to kill them. (as would Monnie)

And I have to tell something I thought was funny. I was outside playing with the boys and we can often hear the radio of the many construction workers building nearby houses. Where else will I ever hear a bunch of men listening to a cover of Bette Midler's "You are the wind" or whatever it's called and Celine Dion's Titanic theme, both done by a male vocalist belting it out loud and proud on a construction site radio? Gotta love it.

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